Manufacturer of the world's most secure fasteners


Coil Thread Security Bolts

Flexibility and Security

Perfect for Precast

Standard-Security and High-Security Options 

Coil Thread security bolts work well in precast concrete forms that contain the corresponding female coil insert. The concrete grit does not affect coil threads, plus they’re removable and reusable. Security Coil bolts are normally used in vaults to secure copper and telecommunications.

We carry stock in Standard-Security ½-6 Penta-Bolt™ head Coil Bolts up to 3 inches. $100.00 Minimum. We recommend using Penta head coil bolts for low value items because unwanted locking pliers can remove the bolts.

Special orders are available in our High-Security drives, where only the matching tool can remove the coil bolts. We recommend using our Key-Rex®, Penta-Plus™, or STYKFIT®7 drives for securing high value items. Our lengths can go up to 5-1/2 inches.

Key-Rex® Coil Security Bolt Protecting a Concrete Enclosure from Copper Wire Theft

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Fastener security — for everything possible.

Bryce Security Fasteners can be made in virtually any fastener type, any size, any metal, any coating, and more. From galvanized metric bolts for harsh coastal outdoor environments to heat-treated, micro screws for data center security.


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