Manufacturer of the world's most secure fasteners

Public Bicycles Protected by Key-Rex® Security Nuts

May 08, 2017

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Six years ago, we had two public bike-share customers. Our growth in customers has grown dramatically as public-share bicycles are currently a worldwide phenomenon. Their high-quality gearing and accessories are easy targets for thieves and need to be secured with something unavailable to the public. Different bike share companies purchase our Penta-Plus® security screws and nuts or use our exclusive security, Key-Rex® to secure bike racks, axles, pay terminals, computer modules, and GPS trackers. Bryce Fasteners are the easiest, most cost efficient way to keep bikes operating in a bike-share program while omitting their risk for theft and tampering. Our M9 fine-thread Key-Rex® nuts are the most common size bike share companies use to secure their axles. Some are surprised we make these, but it fits right in with our ability to customize customer’s needs. The security nuts in the picture are on their way to Israel.

picture of bike share security nuts

Tornillos Antirrobo

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