Manufacturer of the world's most secure fasteners

Automotive Aftermarket

Nov 12, 2015

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Last week, I, Brian Hill, Marketing/Sales Dept. and Rodger Mares, our Heat Treat Technician exhibited at the SEMA show held in Las Vegas for the third year in a row. I’m always excited to return because of my love for Hot Rods and any custom vehicle. Our custom locking fastener, Key-Rex® gained a lot of interest in how it can be used in the Automotive Aftermarket. I spent time talking to individuals about how our security screws benefit their products and vehicles. Custom security screws aren’t right for every application, but they are the best solution for automotive accessories with value, that can be stolen. I was continuously asked throughout the show if we had a security screw for off-road lighting. Some of these lights cost as much as $2,000 each. When running 6 to 8 different lights on a vehicle, securing them is critical. I think our Key-Rex® security screws are the best solution in preventing off- road light theft aside from welding them to the brackets. Attendees don’t usually understand why Bryce fasteners are so great. Once we explain how each screw gets a new keyway and bit for every customer, I can see the light go on and a smile comes to their face. To end the intense but fun, four day  show, we got to see David Copperfield perform. My favorite trick was watching two audience members stand on the stage holding stanchions in place while he made his Grandfather’s mint green 1949 Lincoln Convertible appear. While it was a great trick, I found myself analyzing all of the places on the Lincoln that could use our custom locking fasteners.

Automotive Aftermarket usage  Automotive Aftermarket Applications  Security screws for the Automotive Aftermarket


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